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Timeless loyalty

Timeless Loyalty - Insights from Back to the Future

It's hard to believe that on this, the 21st of October, “International Back to the Future day”, we are now 8 years further on then Marty McFly travelled in the first sequel, and while "Back to the Future" might seem far removed from the world of loyalty marketing, there are some parallels between this iconic film trilogy and modern-day loyalty programs. Just like Docs excitement about the Delorean hitting 88 mph, we in the loyalty game hope that when members become engaged in our programs they too will “see some serious shit”.

1. Rewards for Return

Marty McFly's numerous trips across time aren't without purpose for both him and others. Each return journey to correct mistakes often leads to a brighter future for him and his family.

Just like Marty, the aim of loyalty programs is so that customers are incentivised to return. Whether it's through points, exclusive discounts, tiers or special offers, loyalty programs reward customers for their repeat business.

2. Strong Relationships

The deep bond between Marty and Doc is undeniable and their adventures through time only solidify their trust and reliance on one another.

Brands also aim to foster such strong relationships with their customers. A successful loyalty program is built on mutual trust and understanding, leading to long-lasting customer-brand relationships.

3. Changing Behavior for the Better

Armed with knowledge from the future, Marty makes informed decisions to positively influence outcomes for the benefit of others and his family.

Whilst loyalty programs cannot predict the future, through their rewards and incentives, they aim to subtly guide customers towards desired behaviours, such as making repeat purchases or engaging with the brand across many areas.

4. Exclusive Knowledge & Access

Marty and Doc are privy to a wealth of information that transcends time. Whether it's knowing the outcome of sporting events via the Sports Almanac or understanding the intricate details of specific historical moments, this knowledge sets them apart and gives them a unique advantage. The DeLorean itself is a status symbol of exclusivity; a vehicle that grants its passengers the unparalleled privilege of time travel.

In the realm of business, brands aim to make their loyal customers feel just as special and 'in the know' as Marty and Doc. Members of loyalty programs often receive perks that aren't available to the average consumer. This could be in the form of early bird access to sales, member specials, sneak peeks at new product lines, or even behind the scenes content about the brand. Such exclusive offerings not only reward the customer's loyalty but also instill a sense of belonging, status and importance. It's this feeling of being part of an exclusive club that makes loyalty programs so enticing and effective.

5. Investment for Future Benefits

Marty's actions in one timeline directly affect the quality of life in another. Once this is understood he invests effort now for a better outcome later.

Loyalty points or benefits accumulated in the present are investments for future rewards, encouraging customers to stay engaged with the brand over time.

The imaginative world of "Back to the Future" offers more than just entertainment, it presents timeless lessons on relationships, rewards, and the ripple effect of actions, all principles that resonate deeply with the mechanics of loyalty programs. As brands seek to create meaningful and effective loyalty initiatives, maybe, just maybe, a movie night could offer some unexpected inspiration!